Dr. Harel Weinstein
Director, Institute for Computational Biomedicine;
Maxwell M Upson Professor of Physiology and Biophysics;
Chairman, Department of Physiology and Biophysics;
Chair, Graduate Program in Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6358
Fax: (212) 746-8690

Dr. Emre Aksay
Associate Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Associate Professor of Computational Neuroscience in Computational Biomedicine
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6207
Fax: (212) 746-8690

Jason R. Banfelder
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6363
Fax: (212) 746-8690

Dr. Doron Betel
Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine
Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine Research in Medicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-5602
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Olivier Elemento
Walter B. Wriston Research Scholar
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Professor of Computational Genomics
Associate Director, Institute for Computational Biomedicine
Director, Englander Institute for Precision Medicine
Head, Laboratory of Cancer Systems Biology
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-5726
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Iman Hajirasouliha
Assistant Professor of Computational Genomics in Computational Biomedicine
Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-7804
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Marcin Imielinski, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computational Genomics
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
413 E. 69th Street, BB 1414
Weill Medical College of Cornell Univeristy
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-6997

Dr. George Khelashvili
Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Assistant Professor of Computational Biophysics
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6348
Fax: (212) 746-6226

Dr. Ekta Khurana
Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Assistant Professor of Computational Genomics in Computational Biomedicine
Assistant Professor Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center
Assistant Professor Englander Institute for Precision Medicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-6374
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Trine Krogh-Madsen
Associate Professor of Research in Physiology and Biophysics
Associate Professor of Research in Computational Biomedicine
413 E. 69th Street (Box 190)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065

Dr. Jan Krumsiek
Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-4152
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Ashley Laughney
Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Assistant Professor of Computational Cancer Genomics in Computational Biomedicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-2739
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Christopher Mason
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Professor of Neuroscience, Brain and Mind Institute
Professor of Computational Genomics in Computational Biomedicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-5643
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Sheila Nirenberg
Nanette Laitman Professor in Neurology and Neuroscience
Professor of Physiology and Biophysics
Professor of Computational Neuroscience in Computational Biomedicine
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6372
Fax: (212) 746-8690

Dr. Andrea Sboner
Assistant Professor of Computational Genomics in Computational Biomedicine
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
1305 York Avenue (Box 140)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (646) 962-2241
Fax: (646) 962-9656

Dr. Lucy Skrabanek
Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine
Assistant Professor of Computational Biomedicine in Physiology and Biophysics
Education Coordinator and Bioinformatics Specialist in the Institute for Computational Biomedicine
1300 York Avenue (Box 75)
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-6019
Fax: (212) 746-8690

Dr. Jonathan D. Victor
Professor of Neuroscience
Fred Plum Professor of Neurology
Professor of Computational Neuroscience in Computational Biomedicine
1300 York Avenue, LBRC 807
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York, NY 10065
Tel: (212) 746-2343
Fax: (212) 746-8984